Christoph Halbig: Objektives Denken

Erkenntnistheorie und Philosophy of Mind in Hegels System.

SuE II,48
400 p., 15,6 x 20,9 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2203-2
Single price:
€ 86.–

This study pursues two objectives: firstly the systematische (systematic) reconstruction of the basic structure of Hegel’s epistemology and Philosophy of Mind based on the writings of the »mature system,« in particular the ›Wissenschaft der Logik‹ (Science of Logic) and the ›Enzyklopädie‹ (Encyclopedia), and secondly the beginning of a reciprocally fruitful dialogue between Hegel and current analytic philosophy in the debates on realism/anti-realism, theory of truth, externalism/internalism and the structure of cognitive systems. The author shows that what is at the center of Hegel‘s Philosophy of Mind is a holistic, anti-modular theory of mind, at the center of his epistemology is an anti-skeptical, anti-representationalist, direct realism.


Willem A. de Vries, Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus

»This is an ambitious book that repays the effort to read it. [...] What distinguishes this work is its devotion to putting Hegel’s philosophy into argumentative interaction with contemporary analytic – principally English-speaking – epistemology and philosophy of mind.«

Willem A. de Vries,
Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus

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