Walter Jaeschke: Die Vernunft in der Religion

Studien zur Grundlegung der Religionsphilosophie Hegels.

SuE II,4
478 p., 15,6 x 20,9 cm.
Unveränderter Print-on-Demand-Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1986
ISBN 978-3-7728-1188-3
Single price:
€ 124.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3497-4
€ 124.–

In contrast with the critique of the Enlightenment, but also drawing on this, Hegel’s philosophy and in particular his philosophy of religion attempted to reclaim the concept of God for philosophy. This work deals with his agenda in four studies which combine a commentary on the texts with a discussion of the systematic perspectives of the era from Kant to Feuerbach. The first one reconstructs the prerequisites of the philosophy of religion in the discussions during the decade which followed the ›Kritik der reinen Vernunft‹ (Critique of Pure Reason). The second one traces its origins in the context of the Jena system of metaphysics, aesthetics, practical philosophy and the phenomenology of spirit. The third study elaborates on the idea of the unity of philosophical theology and the philosophy of religion as exemplified by the new edition of the Berlin lectures. The fourth one pertains to the dispute about the philosophy of religion in the decade after Hegel’s death.

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