MSB 6,2
364 p., 3 ill.
Unveränderter Print-on-Demand-Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 2002
ISBN 978-3-7728-2251-3
Single price:
€ 40.–

Print on Demand

eISBN 978-3-7728-3644-2


For the first time, this volume documents Melanchthon’s lasting influence on the countries in Western Europe and even in the United States of America. Unlike the countries dominated by Lutheranism, in which traces of Melanchthon can be seen more clearly in church history and in university education and confessionalization, his influence on the countries in which Romance languages are spoken and in English-speaking countries can be discovered mainly in the exceedingly intensive examination of his scholarly commentaries. The articles in this conference volume prove and expand the theory propounded in the first volume of the set, ›Scandinavia and Central and Eastern Europe‹, that an appraisal of the »Praeceptor Germaniae« is only appropriate from the perspective of all of Europe.


  • Günter Frank / Kees Meerhoff: Vorwort
  • Paul Metzger: Geleitwort
  • Peter Mack: Melanchthon’s Commentaries on Latin Literature
  • Riccardo Pozzo: Melanchthon and the Paduan Aristotelians: The Shift from the Topics to the Analytics
  • Peter Walter: Philipp Melanchthon und Melchor Cano. Zur theologischen Erkenntnis- und Methodenlehre im 16. Jahrhundert
  • Olivier Millet: Les »Loci communes« de 1535 et l'»Institution de la Rewigion chrétienne« de 1539–1541, ou Calvin en dialogue avec Melanchthon
  • Isabelle Pantin: La réception francaise de »Initia doctrinae physicae«
  • Jean-Claude Moisan / Marie-Claude Malenfant: Une lecture melanchthonienne des »Métamorphoses« d’Ovide: le commentaire de Barthélemy Aneau
  • Marie-Luce Demonet: La place de Melanchthon dans la logique francaise
  • Kees Meerhoff: Philippe Melanchthon aux Pays-Bas et en France: quelque sondages
  • Heinz Scheible: Melanchthons ökumenischer Einsatz in Frankreich
  • Ian Maclean: Melanchthon at the book fairs, 1560–1601: editors, markets and religious strife
  • Sachiko Kusukawa: The Reception of Melanchthon in sixteenth-century Cambridge and Oxford
  • Ann Moss: Truth and Fiction: Melanchthon as a Medium for Change
  • Gerhard Weng: John Rogers’ Wirken in Dithmarschen
  • Günter Frank: Religionsphilosophie statt philosophische Theologie: Melanchthonische Theologietradition und der Einfluß der Religionsphilosophie Lord Herbert von Cherbury’s in Johann Musäus’ Schrift »Examen Cherburianismi«
  • Herman J. Selderhuis: Melanchthon und die Niederlande im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
  • Ashley Hall: The Influence of Philipp Melanchthon on Nineteenth-Century American Protestantism