375 p., 9 ill., 17,5 x 24,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2236-0
Single price:
€ 68.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3648-0
€ 68.–


Melanchthon’s relationship with Calvin and Calvinism has often been examined in the past, mainly with regard to the theological issues of the Reformation: the Heidelberg Catechism, the doctrine of predestination, the problem of free will, the question of the Lord’s Supper, exegesis etc. It is common knowledge that these issues had already been summarized in the polemical rhetoric of Crypto-Calvinism during the Reformation. The state of research in a further cultural and historical context however takes on a completely different appearance, since this is a context which is not determined only by the common ground and issues in theology but also by the constitutive conditions of scholarship and culture in the early modern period. The articles in this volume examine the question of Melanchthon’s influence on the cultural history of the early modern period in the Calvinism of the countries in which Romance languages were spoken and of the English-speaking world.


  • Günter Frank / Herman J. Selderhuis: Vorwort
  • Paul Metzger: Geleitwort
  • Riemer Faber: The Humanism of Melanchthon and of Calvin
  • Lyle D. Bierma: The Structure of the Heidelberg Catechism: Melanchthonian or Calvinist?
  • Herman J. Selderhuis: Ille Phoenix: Melanchthon und der Heidelberger Calvinismus 1583–1622
  • Karin Maag: Higher education for Melanchthon and Calvinism: a comparative approach
  • Jan Rohls: Aristotelische Methodik und protestantische Theologie. Von Melanchthon zu Zabarella
  • Michael Becht: Pia Synodus. Die Lehre vom Konzil in der Theologie Philipp Melanchthons und Johannes Calvins
  • Christoph Strohm: Melanchthon-Rezeption in der Ethik des frühen Calvinismus
  • Günter Frank: Zur Gottes- und Trinitätslehre bei Melanchthon und Calvin
  • Theodor Mahlmann: Melanchthon als Vorläufer des Wittenberger Kryptocalvinismus
  • Max Engammare: The horoscopes of Calvin, Melanchthon and Luther. An unexpected post-tridentine polemical argument
  • Wim Janse: Die Melanchthonrezeption des Nonkonformisten Wilhelm Klebitz (ca. 1533–1568)
  • Willem van’t Spijker: Die Diversität der reformierten Scholastik. Die theologische Methode Melanchthons und Calvins im Vergleich und beider Auswirkungen auf die reformatorische Scholastik
  • Andreas J. Beck: Zur Rezeption Melanchthons bei Gisbertus Voetius (1589–1676), namentlich seiner Gotteslehre


Matthias Pohlig, sehepunkte

»Es ist das Glück des Rezensenten, ein Buch auf den Schreibtisch zu bekommen, von dem er denkt: Das hat gefehlt - das hätte schon lange gemacht werden müssen.«

Matthias Pohlig,
Robert Kolb, Renaissance Quarterly

»As a whole this collection provides many insights as well as invitations for further research and scholarly exchange.«

Robert Kolb,
Renaissance Quarterly
James Thomas Ford, The Sixteenth Century Journal

»Melanchthon und der Calvinismus takes its cue from a growing body of literature that has removed the quiet reformer from the shadow of Luther and has convincingly placed him in the sixteenth-century pantheon of important thinkers. While the contributions run off in different directions, they all stand on solid research and attest to the complex interrelationship between the legacies of two great reformers.«

James Thomas Ford,
The Sixteenth Century Journal
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