Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik: ›Von der wirklichen, von der seyenden Natur‹

Schellings Ringen um eine Naturphilosophie in Auseinandersetzung mit Kant, Fichte und Hegel.

Schellingiana 8
234 p., 16,4 x 23,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1598-0
Single price:
€ 58.–
Special offer for members of the International Schelling Society (only when ordering directly with the society):
€ 48.–

Schelling’s natural philosophy is a unique phenomenon in classical German philosophy. It alone attempts, by radicalizing Kant’s critique of teleological judgment, to deal philosophically with the »real, being nature,« in which we ourselves are included. Confronted with the problem of rethinking our relationship to nature in view of the gradual destruction of the biosphere, human beings are beginning, and rightly so, to remember Schelling’s natural philosophy once again.

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