Christopher Arnold: Schellings frühe Paulus-Deutung

Die Entwicklung von F.W.J. Schellings Schriftinterpretation und Christentumstheorie im Zusammenhang der Tübinger Theologie seiner Studienzeit und der hermeneutischen Theoriebildung seit der Frühaufklärung.

Schellingiana 29
VIII, 396 p., 3 ill., 13,8 x 21,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2857-7
Single price:
€ 88.–
Special offer for members of the International Schelling Society (only when ordering directly with the society):
€ 78.–
eISBN 9783772832291
€ 88.–

Arnold presents the first systematic study of the early biblical and exegetical writings from Schelling’s schooldays and years of study in Tübingen (1787–1795) and puts them in the context of the complex history of problems in the late Enlightenment. Apart from the general challenge of theology due to Kant’s reception, debates on basic principles regarding authenticity and and the Bible’s claim to divine authority had begun. Arnold shows that Schelling studied these controversies very closely and developed them into his own hermeneutic methodology. Schelling’s theory of interpreting the Scriptures, of the Christian religion and of the concept of faith, developed as a result of these studies, is also significant for understanding his later works on the history of philosophy and moral philosophy.


Harald Schwaetzer, Coincidentia

»Arnolds Arbeit zeigt luzide und sehr differenziert, ein wie feines gedankliches Werkzeug sich bereits der junge Schelling in einer sehr dynamisch sich entwickelnden und die zentralen geistigen Fragen der Zeit berührenden Hermeneutik sich erworben hat.«

Harald Schwaetzer,

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