Davoser Dispositionen

Die Kontroverse zwischen Ernst Cassirer und Martin Heidegger aus der Sicht philosophischer Anthropologie

Umschlagfoto – nicht vorhanden
problemata 166
est. 288 p., 1 ill., 14,8 x 20,5 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2989-5
Second half of 2026

This volume adds a historically relevant and systematically fruitful perspective to the history of the events and impact of the legendary ›Davos Disputation‹ in 1929 between Ernst Cassirer and Martin Heidegger: although no well-known representative of philosophical anthropology was present at the ›Magic Mountain‹, philosophical anthropological concerns were nonetheless up for debate. The evidence for this is provided by insights into the events in and around the meeting in Davos, from which perspectives on the actual and potential reception of the anthropological themes and motifs of the disputation are given.

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