Christoph Binkelmann: Wissen des Nicht-Wissens

Tendenzen des kritischen Skeptizismus.

problemata 163
560 p.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2943-7
Single price:
€ 48.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3472-1
€ 48.–

»I know that I know nothing«. This alleged dictum of Socrates stands like no other for a scepticism intimately connected with philosophy. But can a meaningful standpoint be taken at all with a knowing of not-knowing? Christoph Binkelmann answers this question positively in this study. On the basis of five stages in the history of philosophy – beginning with Sextus Empiricus, continuing with Salomon Maimon and Isaac von Sinclair, as well as Friedrich Schlegel and ending with Helmuth Plessner – he develops the position of a critical scepticism, which has hardly been considered in research to date. This undertakes a transcendental justification of not-knowing, which is ultimately practically motivated and amounts to a scepticist ethics.


Martin Puente, Concordia

»No se tiene que compartir el programa propuesto, pero su discusión es necesaria para aprender a relativizar visiones y conceptos que se tratan de >vender< como verdades estables que no admiten revisión.«

Martin Puente,

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